Chances are good that you have spotted someone wearing one of these magazine bead necklaces. Chances are also good, that said necklace was purchased through 147 Million Orphans to help make an adoption possible, feed an orphan or both!
Gwen and Suzanne met several years ago while each was journeying through their first adoption. Seven adoptions later, the two friends are joined together in their mission to live out James 1:27.
147 Million Orphans, the organization Suzanne and Gwen founded, now feed orphans in 5 countries, help Ugandan women have a sustainable income for their families, aid churches in building orphan care/adoption ministries and partner with adoptive families to raise the necessary funds to bring their children home.
147 Million Orphans work with families who are involved in the adoption process, both domestically and internationally. They have two methods of fundraising: bulk ordering or the partnership program. Both options have great fundraising potential. Information about and the necessary forms for partnering with 147 Million Orphans can be found here.
Here are some ways you can join 147 Million Orphans in their quest to benefit adoptive parents and orphans around the world...
Host a 147 Event
When you are looking for a great gift remember to purchase 147 merchandise and apparel.
Keep your ears open for adoption fundraisers and join in when you can!
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