Friday, April 6, 2012

Both Hands- One for the orphan, one for the widow.

Don't you just love a great idea? If you do, then I think you will love learning more about Both Hands in this short video by founder JT Olsen.

JT introduces Both Hands from Bill Kersey on Vimeo.

Here's how it works...

The adoptive family enlists the help of 10 volunteers who will assist by carrying out the following tasks:
  • sending sponsorship letters
  • Putting in a full day of manual labor at the home of a widow

100% of the donated funds will be given as a LifeSong Adoption Grant.  Based upon prior events, the Both Hands project could earn $10,000+ (on average) toward adoption costs.
    A local widow is helped by significant improvements being made to her home and property. Often great encouragement is brought to the ladies being served by the demonstrations of love and kindness these work days produce.

    Here's how you can be involved...

    1. Make a financial contribution.

    2. Support an Adoptive Family

    3. Support a Widow by donating supplies or funds to help renew homes and yards.
    4. Volunteer Volunteers are responsible for sending letters to 50 friends that have a heart for adoption. Both Hands composes the letter, the volunteer can make necessary changes to tailor the letter to fit the current situation.  Volunteers spend a full Saturday working on a widow’s house. All skill levels are welcome!
    Application to Volunteer

    5. If you know an adoptive family who would benefit from a partnership with Both Hands or perhaps a widow who needs home or property maintenance, please share the information you have learned about Both Hands. The links below provide the applications necessary to "get the ball rolling."

    Apply For Adoption Assistance

    Apply For Widow Assistance 

    This ministry is James 1:27 in action.
    "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world."

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